It’s tour season!

Having already begun my tour season with a walking tour of downtown Seattle and a post-cruise around the city, I am reminded that the free time I enjoyed this winter is about to evaporate. Historically most of my storytelling happens in the summer while my story writing happens in the winter. With the change of seasons comes the realization that I won’t have the time to commit to a weekly wandering story, but I will have more time to meet up with you face to face.

Seattle Meetup with Tours and Travel Seattle

I’ve already hosted two Meetup walks in Seattle, and I plan to host Meetup events in Portland when I return in July. The month of May will be spent visiting family in California and watching my niece graduate from high school. The latter part of the month I will be running a two week tour of some of our more famous national parks. There is still room on the June tour if you want to sign up, and I’m lucky enough to bring Joan with me for the May trip.

I’m hoping to spend June visiting friends and family in California as I take Amtrak from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Covid cut into my seasonal migration between the Pacific NW and Mexico, and I’d like to get back to it. I especially want to continue my visits to Capitola, California where I spend a few days cooking and catching up with my Aunt Carol, our family’s current matriarch.

Aunt Carol shredding some cheese

The rest of the summer will be spent conducting tours of our western national parks and Seattle. Joan and I have several house sits lined up in Seattle and Portland, and we’re doing our best to remain rent free during our time in the US. Gotta save money for that nomadic lifestyle!

We’ll end the season by working as a team on a two bus tour at the annual Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in October! Then it’s off again with another joint tour in Mexico for Day of the Dead. You can see why there’s not a lot of time left over for writing, but I’ve still got notes and pictures from my travels so the stories will eventually be told.

Thanks for being such an appreciative audience. I look forward to writing my next story, but I’m even more excited to be hearing yours soon. Welcome to tour season!