Public transportation in Mexico: plane, bus, or taxi?
Transportation is one of the top expenses when traveling so I often take aim at […]
Where to find vegetables in Mexico
I have always prided myself on my $15 a day food budget. Often, I can […]
Coast to Coast through Mexico: Copper Canyon to Baja
Changing course in Cancun For the second time, my trip to the southern state of […]
3 days in Zihuatanejo: Day 3-The Chicken Bus
I’d heard often about the chicken bus. I imagined it to be some rickety metal […]
The best road to Oaxaca city from the coast
When headed to the city of Oaxaca from the southern coast of of Mexico, you […]
The Rustic Beach Cabaña
As the bus neared my destination, I continued to struggle to decide which town I […]
3 days in Zihuatanejo: Day 2-Simple Pleasures
The Bay of Zihuatanejo is pretty much a circle with an opening to the ocean […]
3 days in Zihuatanejo: Day 1-Mi Casa Es Su Casa
I’d learned by now that the sun rises in Mexico about 7am so I set […]